Thursday, March 12, 2009


A team of researchers at M.I.T. have created a device which they are calling a "sixth sense technology," which allows one to browse the Internet, use the phone, check the time, take pictures, and practically everything else one can imagine. However, unlike a phone, i pod, or computer screen, this technology can be projected onto any possible surface imaginable, and is navigated through the motion of ones fingers in thin air. Sounds crazy right?? If you don't believe me, WATCH THIS VID!! 
As the MIT professor introduced the amazing features of this new technology, my though

Cover of Cover of The Terminator

ts continued to wander back ten or so years ago to the first time I watched "Terminator," starring the bodybuilder/actor/governor/moron, Arnold Schwarzenegger. For those of you who saw the movie, think back to the scenes that were meant to give us a look at the world through the Terminator's perspective. As he examined his surroundings, he received constant updates about his environment by a computer, giving useful information about everything he saw. Words can't describe how envious I was of the Terminator, imagining the advantage of having instant access to knowledge about my surroundings. This new technology developed by the folks at MIT has made this childhood dream a reality! (at least at the supermarket) It has the ability to scan any food at a supermarket and display useful information about the product catered to our preferences.
The second time I watched this video, I thought about about the most recent discussion I had with classmates, resulting in a general consensus that many people have become dangerously dependent on new forms of technology. We laughed as we exchanged stories of drivers who had placed full trust in onstar programs, willing to follow any direction given simply because they had become oblivious to their surroundings. The new technology developed by MIT, though exciting and a testament to our remarkable technological achievements, will only intensify our dependence on technology. However, for many, like the cheering audience in the video, new technology only enhances our understanding of the world as we know it. Furthermore, for them, the more technology is integrated into our daily routine, the better off we are.


  1. I like the part in the video where the guy in the white tee shirt meets another guy and all the information about the kid is projected onto him, letting the person meeting him know that he's a student, he blogs, etc. It would be an interesting (somewhat creepy) advantage to be able to have such information the moment you meet someone...

  2. I feel you on that.. it creeps me out also. not sure if i'm ready for that kind of technology haha
